Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The I's Have It!

         The past two weeks have shaken many people as they watch
       and the sword of hatred slashing hearts and homes to shreds

      while despondency knocks at our nation's door with his friend fear at his side.
   They have been difficult weeks for me. I am sensitive not only to world events and tragedies, but to the spirit realm.  As an intercessor, this sensitivity is part of the package.
  I have a friend in Israel who has two daughters in the military. Her relatives were part of the Holocaust and are no strangers to hardship. While I am amazed by her, I am concerned for Israel and her family.  There's one "I".  
PalestIne is also home to some innocents. Not everyone there agrees with the rebels. Another "I".
By now, hopefully nearly everyone has heard of Pastor Saeed Abedini; a pastor being held hostage in Iran, with many serious health issues due to treatment in captivity in Iraq. Third "I".
Also widely published are the horrific and downright evil acts of ISIS in Iraq. Another "I".
The last "I" is about a friend of mine is going through a great trial related to her heart for India. I share that heart, but only share the burden in prayer.

THIS is what today's post is about...

Bearing a burden of intercession  correctly.

  As Kingdom Pray-ers, we must be aware of what our equipping is, and how it works.  We see the effects of the enemy's approach and encroachment manifesting in questions, doubts which can lead to fear if allowed.  When we are given a burden to pray by the Lord, it will not crush us, and rarely are we the only person receiving that burden. It is not upon us alone to see it through. Know that if you are offered a burden then the Lord trusts that you WILL see it through.  In past days that was called "praying through".

     So, what is it like to have a burden of intercession?  Here are some of the identifiers of a God-given prayer assignment or "burden of intercession":
  1.  Often you will feel a much greater empathy ( feeling what someone else feels) than normal. 
  2.   A sense of danger or a sense of dread can come to you. 
  3.  You might feel like you are depressed, but no logical or practical reason exists.
  4. You might see someone's face appear before you, or hear their name repeatedly over a period of time. God is trying to get your attention.
 You may not understand what it is at first.
  1.  If feelings of sadness, heaviness or anxiety come, the first response needs to be asking the Lord if He is calling you to pray! Don't give in to the feeling and say to yourself "I guess I just don't feel well today".  ASK! 
  2.  He may give you an image in your mind's eye, speak a person's name to you, or even bring a place/situation to mind. If it doesn't come immediately then pray in your spirit and continue to ask. 
  3. Once you have "downloaded" your information , then ask Him if He has a specific word for you to pray, and pray it until that "feeling" goes away. It will feel like a weight has lifted off of you.
    Burdens or assignments of intercession can last for a few minutes, hours, days and even weeks.   How will you function if you have an assignment that lasts for days?  You MUST know that you do NOT "internalize" the emotions that come with it. You do NOT take it into your heart or try to carry it like Atlas!

You simply ask if this is a matter that the Lord wants to involve you in; pray until He shows you that your part is accomplished. This may result in manifested victory right away, or it may be that your assignment was a part of a longer process. Either way, NEVER let the assignment drain you, weigh you down or stress you out!!! Remember that Jesus said "My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

     Being an intercessor means you share; share hope, joy, love, encouragement, prayers with someone else. You may do this face to face, at a distance, or you may do this for someone you never meet in this lifetime. But the reward is great and the journey is fascinating!

     Remember all those "I"s?    Guess what? The exact phrase is really
"The AYES have it".   My google-d definition search landed this:

 "If the ayes have it, those who voted in favour of something have won." 
  God has all my "I's" before Him.  If God be for us, who can be against us?

IF YOU prayed in response to a God-given assignment in accordance with His direction,  
He brings favor and the battle is WON!!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Different Ways in the Same Direction; No heads for sale, please!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly 
above all that we ask or think, 
according to the power that works in us."  Ephesians 3:23

I've heard it often the God is " the God of second chances".
 But that just isn't true.  If it were, I would not be here! 

Because after 40 years of walking with Him, I know I need MORE than 2 chances! 
  Some things come easily to me, like a monkey takes to a banana.
 Others are more like a banana peel that leave me
slipping, tripping and sliding on the path to my inevitable  PLOP!  onto my backside,
complete with feet flailing in the air!

 I really try to interpret His direction clearly and then act upon it accurately with great precision.
(sniff-sniff! I smell pride here!) 
 Problem  is that I am not always speaking the same language that He is.
 As a High School Spanish teacher, I can testify to the mess that makes in communication. 
A Spanish Language student once confused the word  basket ( canasta) with head ( cabeza).  
When relating the story for conversation class, she ended up saying there were
 "heads hanging on a clothesline that were for sale! "
It seems that as believers we can often hear God's direction, and run the opposite way.
 But the Holy Spirit's feathers don't get ruffled when that happens. 
He knows that we might take a different way to get to where He wants us to end up!  
Trip, fall, fail, or flail,  He is the God of  50,  60,  and even 140 chances! 

    We have a natural tendency to remember what we need to forget,
 and to forget the very things that are important to keep in our memory vault.

We tend to see things incremently- in sequences. We analyze every step taken.

  HE sees the scope AND the sequence and tells us to keep listening,
 keep getting back up and keep coming forward!
Now, I don't count how many major or life altering decisions I make daily, but if we forgive others 70x7, 
I will let God do the Math and rest that I am forgiven at least that many times daily.  We need
to let go of mistakes, failures and stubbornness.
 Keep the lessons learned on those meandering paths, but let the rest be deleted from the memory vault.
He will not string up my head for bad judgement, rebellion or even strife. He might put up 
a barrier to  forward movement to get our attention, but no shrunken heads are found
on the path to Heaven!
 I should know. I am the student referred to in the above mentioned Spanish Conversation class that took 
place at King's Way Missionary Institute!

There is nothing too awful, too silly, too erroneous that we can do to weaken God's work in us. 
It abides despite our weakness. In spite of our pride. Beside our longing.  
Come forward! Stop counting the steps and lift your head up.
 The view might very well be
 downright amazing!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


      It has been a good while since I rec'd anything substantial to share during our Sun.Am prayer. This morning I kept hearing "Press", and then saw a riot policeman's acrylic shield.
 I understood what was meant by "press"; it comes from the old pentecostal term of "pressing in"-
 ""The law and the prophets were until John; since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it." [Luke 16:16]

 Pressing in denotes earnestness and firmness of resolution;  an engaged-ness. It is not a passive act, nor is it about all our might or strength or ability! It is about "pressing in" to HIS ability, HIS strength and NOT moving from there. Think of the riot police: they are armed. They have shields, and body armor, just like we do. They are trained to use their weapons only when necessary. They are sent to occupy a territory, maintain peace and enforce the law of the land- together, as a unit.
Too often, a believer jumps headlong into a fight. We don't discern what is truly needed, and we pray, speak, based upon our own understanding. Binding, loosing, declaring are for specific times. Done out of turn, they can actually lead us into the flesh - the enemy's territory- which is exactly what he likes. We come away from it thinking we did what was "right", and then later are perplexed when we have to do it again and again- and this drains our energy and sometimes even hope!
    The Father, on the other hand, offers us wisdom, discernment, and His word to train us for each prayer need and life situation. The problem comes in when we allow a weakness to lead us out of discernment and wisdom and into fleshly thoughts. For example, "Melissa" battled a particular health issue for 4 years. She grew in her understanding of the Word regarding health, and her faith increased. She was healed. Now she has no "issue" with healing and can also encourage others. But the nagging self talk about her past trips her up many a day. When she is in a battle, she often responds to the enemy playing that "tape" in her head and becomes discouraged---and her shield drops. BAM! She is hit! Now she has to take time to recover, those around her are distracted, and have to regroup. We were never meant to fixate upon the activity of the enemy.
       What the Lord is saying now is that we as intercessors **need to press in to Him and get those doubts and insecurities resolved. ** .This will involve transparency- trusting someone with our need so that they may stand in the gap - "close ranks": to join with someone in a cause, or agreement. {Remember Pastor Tony shared this morning that it doesn't all depend upon ourselves, we need each other} Ask the Lord who one intercessor is that you can trust and pray with over the next quarter of the new year. Get with them for a brief time of sharing if they agree. ♥This should be men with men and ladies with ladies.

 It may be that you share with and stand with the same person, or it may be different people. **Listen carefully for His guidance in this.**
     We need to lean upon HIS abilities, plant our feet firmly in the Word and set our hearts upon HIM. We must be perpetually listening for His directives, and NOT reacting to the enemy's threats, peltings and presence. YES, you will sometimes feel his presence too. And his arrows. But if your shield is up, you can STAND. Not because "your faith is strong", but because you know how to lean, to rest IN HIM !

      Now, imagine if we as intercessors all were standing, armed, feet planted, shoulder to shoulder, and listening to the slightest whisper of our Lord. Fewer casualties would result from this maturity and unity. We could all move together, be a united shield for the Body, and see our prayers manifest because we are allowing the Lord to pray through us, instead of praying to Him. True intercession involves all of these, in various levels at various times. Needless casualities would diminish!


 Press in! 

Allow difficulties, weaknesses to draw you nearer to Him and see His anointing take effect. Like an olive in the olive press, the good stuff will come forth! Press in and allow His likeness to be imprinted upon you because you have spent life close to Him! Know that you know in your "knower" that you are a son of God and begin to live like it with a kingly bearing.
Then come together expecting to see our prayer time mature and shift with His hand manifesting this year privately and corporately!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Prescription for Weariness and Discouragement

        In our valiant attempts to "be strong in the Lord" and to "stand firm" we often experience muscle fatigue. This is because we revert to our own understanding, both of our situation and the Scriptures. We come
right up to the line of victory and dig our heels in and announce "I'm NOT moving!" We flex the muscle of our mind- displaying our vast knowledge of the Word and His promises.
 We mentally dig in our "spiritual heels".

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From firmly placing one’s heels in the ground, particularly in tug of war (pulling) or when bracing oneself (pushing). Compare drag one's feet (act slowly, from lack of enthusiasm or to delay).
Fig. to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions; to be obstinate or determined.
-" I'm digging in my heels. I'm not going back, not budging from here."
 And we begin to  to frazzle, fray,& hang on by a thread to our sincere but misled convictions that
we are "fighting the good fight of faith"!

  We cannot win a battle by our own strength. {I heard you say " Yes,  I know that."} But does your mind know that? Most believers know of the salvation of the cross through Jesus and have accepted this in their hearts.
But we fall into the battle between our hearts and minds.
 This causes internal stress, and damaging soul-wear instead of healthy, prosperous soul care!
 We have not yet accepted the fullness of His redemptive and deliverance work. 
Our hearts/spirits witness to His love and acceptance, 
but our mind's muscle still wants to pump iron;
 we get worn out trying to lift those spiritual weights!
We even make "spiritual" declarations and decrees about our firm resolve, only to find that a few hours, days or weeks later, we are so worn out that we feel we need to "pull" on others to help us
 "remain firm in the faith". 
Psalm 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God."
The Hebrew for the word still means: 
to sink, relax, sink down, let drop,
1a3) to sink, relax, abate
1a4) to relax, withdraw
1b) (Niphal) idle 
1c) (Piel) to let drop

What we really need is to 
relax our grip, 
let go of the k"not" in the rope
 and be pulled on over into the Rest of The Lord!
We are not "qualified" by ANY of our works or even our great show of faith!
Jesus did the interview, He got the "call back" and signed the contract in His own blood. The seal of the Holy Spirit was placed upon that contract. And we are the

noun: beneficiary; plural noun: beneficiaries
                                        1.a person who derives advantage from something,
 esp. a trust, will, or life insurance policy.

HE does the work. We receive the paycheck! 
  Yes, there remains a Sabbath for the people of God, a greater "rest" from attempting to please God based on our own merits.  We do not labor to find favor with God through acts of our own personal merit or faith, but rather we trust in the acceptance and love of God given to us in Jesus.
 We ask the Holy Spirit for help in discerning the truth on a personal, moment-by-moment basis. We trust in God's guidance and help as He promised in the terms of the New Covenant. Freedom doesn't mean we're "free to do whatever we want," but rather we're "free to love God without fear..."
 We have to let go of the knot of fear in the rope and trust
           - in His goodness, 
  - and wisdom 
                  -and awareness of our
    life situation!
*There is a deeper sense of rest that God promised those who are trusting in Him Heb.4:9). This rest comes from trusting in the finished work of Christ as our  righteousness before the Father.   The statement that "there is a rest for the people of God" (Heb. 4:9-10) does not refer to ritualistic "Sabbath-keeping," however, since the context clearly states that "whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from His."  This is a "tetelestai" revelation --the Greek word meaning:

 You enter into rest the moment when you apprehend
{APPREHEND', v.t. L. apprehendo, of ad and prehendo, to take or seize. 
1. To take or seize; to take hold of.
2. To take with the understanding, that is, to conceive in the mine;
 to understand, without passing a judgment, or making an inference.
3. To think; to believe or be of opinion, but without positive certainty}

 that God has fulfilled the Law's demand on your behalf through the beautiful gift of Jesus' life and sacrifice.  Accepting the "death benefits" of the Messiah makes you an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven (Gal. 4:4-7). You embrace Sonship.

    And so this is still a live promise. It wasn’t canceled at the time of Joshua; otherwise, God wouldn’t keep renewing the appointment for “today.” 
The promise of “arrival” and “rest” is still there for God’s people. 
 God himself is at rest.

 Paradoxically we "labor" to enter into this rest by exercising genuine faith in God's salvation in His Son . As Yeshua taught, "This is the work of God, that you believe in the One whom the Father has sent"
(John 6:28-29) - BELIEVE that HE has completed it, that the answer to your question is already available and  our good heavenly Father is at work.

  Ahhhhh- so THIS is the Rest of the Lord!

credit for some *quotes to

Monday, September 9, 2013

River Dance Chapter One

 This post is different. My husband is the storyteller in our family. We found out three years ago that he probably was created for that, and were we living in a Cherokee village he would be fulfilling that destiny given through his birth family.
   Nevertheless, I am here writing today. And I have a story to tell. It will probably be more like chapters, as there is much to share. Here is "Chapter One" of River Dance...

   A young couple who had met at Bible College in the Appalachian mountains stepped out into the stream of marriage and shortly thereafter followed a call into ministry. Ordination followed and soon they sat in the living room of their mentor minister's home. Internship was exciting and difficult. Growling stomachs and saving pennies for gas to travel each weekend were part of the preparation. We saw first hand the poverty and despair that comes from living in a land without The River.
Two "churches" situated opposite each other who were once one congregation; the placement of the coal pile being the  reason for the split.
  Children sexually abused and neglected, swarming with lice and fear in a dry and weary land were a weekly experience.

  Being young in years and full of zeal, the call to a full time pastorate in the Allegheny mountains was welcomed. Lush and breathtaking views greeted the couple every morning in this historic, artistic quaint mountain town. A few warm-hearted people contrasted the chilly winters and bone cold growth level of the congregation.  They were frozen in The River, damming its flow altogether.
   After leading the group of people as far as they cared to go ( which wasn't far- the Church's Historian's records showed no change in 10 years in attendance, missions nor financial incrementation) the two - who - were- now-three packed up and entered into The City of the Fountain.

    There they received an education of both sides of the spectrum; the glorious possibility of the presence of God and darkness'  eerie attempts to prevail. Previous minister had a son who fancied having a coffin in the garage and an ouija board in his bedroom. He eventually killed his own child.  Many times a strange presence was felt in the parsonage. Discord seemed to come instantly between The Two.  The Jewel placed a book in the woman's hands that was entitled This Present Darkness. Eyes began to open and deeper understanding poured out upon The Two.
   A teaching regarding the Holy Spirit made them angry at first. Determined to prove the error, months were spent scouring The Book of the River in efforts to document the findings. 
Document them they did, and also found the truth. 
This truth led The Two to challenge The Lord of The River.
 "If this is true, and if this is real, and I somehow have missed it all this time, please show me. Baptize me, Fill me with Your Holy Spirit for I do not want any other."

   The challenge did not go unnoticed nor unanswered. Light burst forth and understanding fell upon them both, individually, separately and alone. No man nor flesh did this. God and God alone.  The Two had been introduced to The River. They needed a trail guide.  The Lord of The River promptly provided that guide. She was a Jewel amongst the congregation, shining brightly amongst diamonds in the rough who led them to others who knew of The River.
   One of the first things The River does is to cleanse. Questions that had plagued them for a long time were suddenly answered and a fresh softening of their hearts began to restore any damage caused by the resident evil.
  Another testing of the teaching took place. Despite not knowing of The Gifts found in The Book of The River, The Two still sensed something not right in the house. After hearing about a person who had resolved a similar issue, they decided to apply  it to the house. Praying through each room, and anointing each door and window with oil, the house became electrified. An overpowering odor emanated from the upstairs. A bedroom door opened on its own. The door to the upper level also opened on its own accord, with the sounds of footsteps heard following it. Upon praying through a room and anointing it, a peace was felt until the next room was entered. The peace was restored through the prayer, praise and anointing. Between the chimney for the fireplace downstairs and the wall they found the source of the smell. Praying through they removed the ouija board that had been tucked into the space. Taking it outside and burning it, a deep, thick black smoke rose into the sky.  The house cleansed, The Two were now free to live there in peace and the search for the river resumed.

  Once you have tasted of this water, you are never satisfied with the beverage of religion. There is too much life, joy, peace that splashes over your thirsty soul to turn back.  The Two found themselves searching after the river, hiking trails, looking for signs that would lead them to its banks. It's melodious, rhythmic rapids called out to them and stirred something deep within that they did not recognize. 
    The Landlubbers were none to happy to see the young minister and his wife tasting a different brew. Their palates were too accustomed to the fermented flavor of old wine; their skins had grown hard and resisted expansion of any sort. It wasn't long before their left feet began to get restless. The River was calling and several others heard the sound. They too wanted more. After several months of banter back and forth about The River, the right hands of the leaders pulled away from The Two and the  elected leadership inserted their left feet where the sun doesn't shine, sending The Two hurtling out to the curb. It was a painful time of great shock, disillusionment and  a test of the call.  As they wandered and wondered why the Lord of The River seemed to have abandoned them, they did not know they had actually embarked upon the path that would lead them straight into the rushing current itself.
     The Jewel had invited them to  a service nearby.  Reluctantly they agreed to go.  For the woman, the thought of entering one of "those" churches was intimidating. The many stories of bizarre activities caused her to tremble as they walked in the door. But no pews were rocking, no one was jumping around and each of the 3 chandeliers seemed to be just fine in their proper places, hanging still. They were definitely not prepared for what they heard and saw next!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Prayer ART 101 Lesson 1

  I have been sketching, drawing, painting my entire life- at least as soon as crayons or other media was introduced to me.   I am intrigued by faces. I love to draw people's faces, to study the collection of curves, contour, and lines that create that one of a kind visage.  And I feel confident in my ability to capture a person's likeness.

   But if you ask me to draw a straight line, a star, I have great difficulty!
And don't even think about requesting a circle! Noooo sirrreeeeeee! 

At least not on canvas or in my sketchbook.  But I do make them in my Bible. 
 YES, I WRITE IN MY BIBLE, don't you?
  If you don't out of a God-given conviction then I step aside. But if it is because you heard someone say you shouldn't, then I challenge you to get your pen/highlighter, crayon- whatever is available and begin!  My Bible has promises highlighted in green,  references to the character of Christ in purple,  Praise in Yellow, and warnings in - well, I wanted to use red, but it is too dark, so, pink. 

    Arrows, exclamation points, question marks, dates and personal notes of revelation fill the margins. This has been a HUGE source of reflection and encouragement to me.
 Often I am reading and a verse or passage seems to "lift off the page". I call that the Holy Spirit's highlighter, ha!  It is God's way of getting our attention, usually for strengthening, but sometimes as warnings. When that happens, a new note and date are entered onto that page. 
     The Bible is alive, you know. It isn't a book by dead authors. The same lessons, truth, trials and victories they had, we have. The only thing that separates us is the date on the calendar. The truth breathes right into us, upon us when we read it. 
That is why it is so applicable!  So my Bible is a journal about my journey through it! 
     Circles have been talked about alot lately in Kingdom discussions, largely due to the author Mark Batterson and his work The Circle Maker.
 {***Good book for sure! Strongly recommend you reading it!}  
 It really uses the circle as an analogy or visual for persistence in prayer. 
 You may have heard the term "standing in faith"?
 The author exhorts us to find God's quickened promise to us and "circle it" with prayer. 

 I have many such circles drawn around passages in my Bible and in my heart. 
What about you? 

   A step in that direction is to note, underline, circle, square, highlight those promises right there on the page. It is ok if it isn't the neatest, most eye catching piece of art you create.
 As long as it is a work of HEart!  
  I leave you with one more image and a quote from  The Circle Maker:

 { My Dad's own Bible - if HE does it then it HAS to be a good thing! lol! }

"The promises of God are like the tree island in the middle of the lake.
 They are the difference between sinking and swimming
 because they give you a place to stand.
 And when He keeps His promises, you won't just stand on water;
 you will waltz into the Promised Land through waters God has parted."  
I am extending my staff of faith
for the parting and imminent completion of crossing over and planting my feet on that land I have seen by the Spirit for so long a time, 
circling all the way. I hope you will join me.  
As to the reference of the island, well, you just have to read the book!

Monday, August 26, 2013

"Prayer Opps"

Amidst cerulean blue sky dusted with translucent feathery clouds,
the sunlight graced the tops of trees and danced upon the nearly still lake. 

The crickets sang softly. Serenity.
Almost. "errrrrrrip" {insert needle scratch on turntable}
 Excuse the interruption, please. 
 You've  heard of a "photo opp", right? You know, a politician's best friend; just the right time and setting to create the appearance of something favorable
 to shine the spotlight on his/her good side.
   Ok, now back to my story...
After an awesome (and I reserve the word for God alone) demonstration of love,
 acceptance and redemption in the worship service,
 my husband and I
 headed off to a change of place-
 a state park nearby. 
We wanted some time for meditation and reflection.
 And tranquility, serenity. 
It became immediately obvious that I would have to persist to find it.
First, my chair kept coming unlocked, making it unbalanced.
 It's one of those collapsing canvas chairs:
Then, my music device would not operate properly. No worries, I had a back up!
But nooooo, that one wouldn't play the CD. Ugh.
No prophetic worship to listen to.
Okay, so let's embrace the silence. Let's listen.
 I began to journal a prayer. Bible? Check. Journal? Check.
 Pen.... I realized I'd left my pen in the car. Get the keys, go to car, get the pen.
Midway through one sentence the pen ran out of ink.
 Get the keys, go to car, get replacement pen.
 {Note to self, save for Ipad!} Ahhhh. Now it begins, I thought.
And it did!
Sun still shining, breeze blowing and {insert sound from above here}
but the soft chirping of the crickets was being drowned out every
few seconds. A battle was raging via cell phones. A very angry young
man was venting in varying volumes.
In the past I would have been annoyed.  
I might have wished him away, or worse,
 called the authorities to complain. 
 But today I hear the Father's heart greiveing.
 In between the shouts punctuated with cursing is the sound of a heart
 that is deeply wounded. The rage is the cry of his heart torn 
and twisted by sin, confusion and betrayal.
 And the Father cries. 
What do you do when YOU hear someone like this? 
What is your first thought, your first response?  Frustration?
 Feeling like your "space" has been invaded? 

Or do you pray?  
Whether you are called as an intercessor or are a willing "pray-er", 
YOU can be one of God's press agents! 
Pray for the brokenhearted, hear what the Father hears.

Pray for the darkened, distanced soul(s). 
Pray for reconciliation to God,  
and in my case, to the recipient of the harsh words. 
Next time you encounter a grumpy or angry person, 
remember that under the surface is a heart beating, 
wanting desperately to know not to give up,
 that somewhere real, life giving love is available to them.
 Though you may
be across the room, store, parking lot or world,
 you can PRAY. 

When sirens sound , You can pray! 

You can create a "meeting" between that person and the Lord. 
Pray that the Father imparts His heart to you so that
 you are a channel of love and hope even to souls 
you may never meet face to face.
Watch for, listen for and prepare for "Prayer Opps". 
 Through prayer, arrange opportunities for God's mercy and grace to shine!

So, now you know what I wrote in my journal! ;)