It is important for you to understand the season of life that you are in. Otherwise, you won't find yourself doing things that are conducive to what God wants to accomplish through that particular season of your life.
I have experienced times of frustration because I got ahead of God when it was not a season for Him to do something through me, but rather, to do something to me. I've also missed some opportunities along the way because I did not adequately prepare for, or make, the right shift at the right time.
While ministering in Washington, DC some years ago, I was meditating on Daniel 2:20-21: Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. And it is He who changes the times and the ephochs [seasons]; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men, and knowledge to men of understanding.
As I reflected on these verses, the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to my heart, "I am shifting things in the Spirit over this city." I immediately realized that the prayers of God's people were making a difference. We were moving into an opportune time for great advances, perhaps even revival in America. Properly Responding to Divine Shifts As I continue to travel the nation, ministering in a different city each week, I am seeing signs of awakening and revival. I feel strongly in my spirit that we are once again coming into an opportune time for advancing the Kingdom of God in America.
We must, however, learn to recognize and properly respond to the divine shifts in our own lives – moments when God changes the times and seasons – from chronos (general times) to kairos (strategic or appointed times). These shifts – from plowing, standing, believing and persistent prayer, to walking into new open doors and strategic opportunities – can very quickly spring forth (Isaiah 43:19). Overnight, it seems, He transforms dry times into rivers, barrenness into fruitfulness and makes a way where there is no way. You may find yourself in a long season of waiting – like Abraham waiting for Isaac, or as in the life of David, waiting for the throne.
Stay the course.
Don't abort the process by letting weariness or frustration set in. Your harvest is being made ready. There is an appointed time for you to reap. Be faithful in the mundane. Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Don't lose heart in well doing. Never give up. Your shift may be closer than you think!
Watch, Fast and Pray . Watch also, as you wait and pray. Satan tries to alter God's timing for your life, especially when it's connected to the corporate destiny of a city, a region or a nation. Pharaoh tried to take out Moses, Saul tried to take out David. The enemy that was at work through those wicked leaders saw the great threat that these Godly men were to the kingdom of darkness. Don't let your guard down. Walk daily with a shovel in one hand and a sword in another (Nehemiah 4:16-18).
Upon realizing that, according to prophecy, the nation of Israel was coming to the end of its captivity and approaching an opportune time for breakthrough, Daniel humbly set himself to fast and pray. After twenty-one days, an angel of the Lord appeared to Daniel to let him know there was an appointed time for the answer to come forth. This answer was delayed, however, by a demonic entity who made war with the angel, seeking to wear down Daniel and thwart Israel's appointed time for deliverance.
Perseverance in the chronos season of Daniel's personal life had set up the nation of Israel for corporate kairos breakthrough (Daniel 10). Personal destiny is connected to corporate destiny.
I believe that there is a divine shift coming to America – a season of radical change and great harvest! Entire cities will be transformed! Entire sectors of society will be reformed! Strategic Opportunities As David in the field, Moses in the desert, and Daniel in the place of prayer, God has been preparing pioneers, deliverers, and reformers in the chronos seasons to take advantage of the kairos strategic opportunities that will soon become available. Prepare and rightly position yourself, for you may be one that God has been raising up to play a key role in leading this nation into the Third Great Awakening. I decree that the weariness that has been upon the Church is being lifted. Refreshing is coming to position and prepare us to step into our kairos season. The oppression, confusion and unbelief that has come – that which has caused our fire and passion to wane, not because of evil hearts but because of weariness – is being broken off. As you set your heart to fast and pray, that Daniel 10 form of demonic resistance and delay is being broken off – take courage, for he who comes to wear down the saints is being thwarted! The King, the Judge, is upon His seat, declaring the favor of the saints. Position yourself, prepare yourself, and persevere in the chronos routine. The kairos is coming! Breakthrough is approaching! Get ready for your divine shift!"
- Dutch Sheets; Dutch Sheets Ministries
Oh That WE Would Catch This!
Lord, raise up your firestarters here in the Carolinas and the Atlantic region of the United States!
UPDATE: South Carolina has been experiencing a great awakening amongst His people- prayer altars are being established/re-established and intercessors are partnering in prayer!
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