whoa: verb imperative \ˈwō, ˈhō, ˈhwō\
1—a command (as to a draft animal) to stand still
2: cease or slow a course of action or a line of thought : pause to consider or reconsider —often used to express a strong reaction (as alarm or astonishment)
Slow down! Training requires self control which develops wisdom. You may know many facts regarding a topic, but you are useless to a team
if you do not know how to apply them!
We cannot be stubborn and insist
upon the merits of our knowledge, our great desire to serve,
or even our gifting.
Rome wasn't conquered in a day and you can't climb Everest in 24 hours.
Experienced climbers know that small steps repeated will cover more ground faster than an enthusiastic sprint. They have learned the value of diligence, persistence and consistency.
"But I have been prepared! I have submitted,
and learned and have experience,
and, and..."
Jeremiah had been faithful and transparent. He expressed his frustration to the Lord, and the Lord replied with a proverb:
Yet God had more for him than what he had already experienced. And God knew what Jeremiah needed to sustain himself for the duration of that mission!
Sometimes we get frustrated when things are not moving in the way or at the speed that we think they should. But as a horse learns to accept the bit, and follow the lead of the trainer, they settle down and skill develops. There is a oneness between the horse and trainer.
But he has yet to be ridden!
See how training begins...
Horses getting fit for the first time are also generally “babies,” and while you are trying to get them fit you are also providing lots of education, like switching leads learning the lay of the land, your voice as the trainer. Getting a horse fit and ready to run for the first time may take many months.
After a couple weeks, the training routine falls into a familiar pattern.
Five days a week you will be galloping up to a mile
and a half.
The seventh day the horse will have a day off.
Each week the workouts will get a little longer and faster.
{Sound like any trials you have encountered?}
Next Time: "Are You Chomping at the Bit?"
if you do not know how to apply them!
We cannot be stubborn and insist
upon the merits of our knowledge, our great desire to serve,
or even our gifting.
Zeal without wisdom is DANGEROUS!
Rome wasn't conquered in a day and you can't climb Everest in 24 hours.
Experienced climbers know that small steps repeated will cover more ground faster than an enthusiastic sprint. They have learned the value of diligence, persistence and consistency.
"But I have been prepared! I have submitted,
and learned and have experience,
and, and..."
Jeremiah had been faithful and transparent. He expressed his frustration to the Lord, and the Lord replied with a proverb:
“If you have raced with men on foot
and they have worn you out,
how can you compete with horses?
If you stumble in safe country,
how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?"
and they have worn you out,
how can you compete with horses?
If you stumble in safe country,
how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?"
First, this parable is telling!
It tells what Jeremiah has been doing, and points to what is to come.
He was a passionate man. His zeal for the Lord had matured and he had grown into one who knew His ways.Yet God had more for him than what he had already experienced. And God knew what Jeremiah needed to sustain himself for the duration of that mission!
Sometimes we get frustrated when things are not moving in the way or at the speed that we think they should. But as a horse learns to accept the bit, and follow the lead of the trainer, they settle down and skill develops. There is a oneness between the horse and trainer.
But he has yet to be ridden!
See how training begins...
Horses getting fit for the first time are also generally “babies,” and while you are trying to get them fit you are also providing lots of education, like switching leads learning the lay of the land, your voice as the trainer. Getting a horse fit and ready to run for the first time may take many months.
After a couple weeks, the training routine falls into a familiar pattern.
Five days a week you will be galloping up to a mile
and a half.
The seventh day the horse will have a day off.
Each week the workouts will get a little longer and faster.
{Sound like any trials you have encountered?}
So, YES, you have a destiny, and YES there is a new season ahead for you!
The question is, will you relax enough to grow into it?
Next Time: "Are You Chomping at the Bit?"