Preparing to run with the horses..
"Chomping at the Bit"?
Definition: be champing/chomping at the bit also be chafing at the bit
to be very keen to start an activity or to go somewhere.
the expression can be traced back to the equestrian world. In the world
of horses, a bit is a small metal rod attached to a harness or bridle.
This metal bit fits inside a natural space within the horse's mouth.
The bit serves several purposes, from discouraging the horse from eating
wild grasses (false doctrine) to guiding his or her head while connected to the reins (being led by the reigning Holy Spirit). A
horse will instinctively chew and bite at the metallic bit as long as
it remains inside its mouth.
Our soul nature does not immediately adapt to or accept guidance.
Chomping at the bit is usually related to a few things, generally:
-confusion about the bit -- I.E. lack of understanding
-rider using reins incorrect/harsh bit -- Poor counsel
-anxiety --Lack of confidence (faith) in God's goodness toward us.
A well trained horse is best prepared for success. It knows the voice of the
trainer, the commands and proper responses. It has become accustomed to being ridden, and is ready to race the Big Race!.?
"Thoroughbreds must be born knowing to play out their role in the
It took a great amount of work,
time and insight to get each
of those horses
to the gate, never mind into it.
Q: {WAIT! What??? I have to get into a gate???
What happened to
"launching", "release into destiny" and "soaring like an eagle"?!?}
A: Yes. You do. You must qualify for Inheritance.
You have been created, called and groomed. Now we see if you are qualified- matured.
An entire process, involving repetition,
patience, kindness and compassion had to occur over a period of days, weeks and
months before the horses would be ready to enter the gate and come exploding
out of it, safely.
Baby Steps
The first step involves introducing the horse to the starting gate as a
concept. Horses, especially Thoroughbreds, are claustrophobic.
(Let's be real here, NONE of us really like restraint, right?)
detest tightly-enclosed spaces. Confining a horse to a 12' x 12' stall is
challenging enough for the horse's psyche: shrink that space down to
about 2.5' wide and 8' long--and you have the potential for a horse who
loses her mind, and injures or kills herself and everyone around her.
Hmmmm. How many "wounded thoroughbreds" do you know in the Body of Christ?
Could it be due to lack of meekness on their part
or another's? Taking offense is like the horse
who fights while in the starting gate.
An injury could delay his release!
The Process, Pared Down...
Gate Training is the process by which Thoroughbreds are introduced
to the starting gate and being "certified," as it were,
to be in a
Depending on the age, temperament and learning curve of the horse, the
process generally involves first, just walking the horse up to the gate.
That's it. Just showing the gate to the Horse:
"Here, Horse: this is the starting gate."
Once you've been given preparation for fulfillment
of a vision- you meet the gate.
A series of similar introductions, involving hand-walking the horse into the
open gate, then walking in with a rider on back. Then closing the front
of the gate, and standing in that tight, enclosed space.
"Calm, calm, it's OK, Horse."
Next will come opening the front of the gate, and walking the horse out of
the front. Then opening the gate as it would in a race, and galloping out
of the gate.
These steps all lead up to a horse earning her gate card, the certification
that s/he has successfully passed all the steps necessary to be in a race that
begins in the gate.
A powerful Thoroughbred that has learned the way of the course and tempered itself to respond to the bit will receive many winning trophies. They learn to
accept restrictions and confinement of their massive power and ability.
The Believer who understands
his/her position in the Body is also valuable.
Once we understand that we neither
earn nor war for our inheritance, we
can be sure and steady in our progress. We have blinders on in a good way- we see the course laid out for us
and we run the race.
We need Meekness for the Preakness!
The Hebrew word translated "meekness" is anav or anaw, meaning "depressed (figuratively), in mind (gentle) or circumstances (needy, especially saintly): humble, lowly, meek, poor ;which prefers to bear injuries rather
than return them" -- aka humility.
according to Aristotle,is the middle standing between two extremes,
getting angry without reason,
and not getting angry at all.
When we are in a waiting period, meekness is of extreme importance:
it keeps us from losing strength caused by running out ahead of the course.
We must allow meekness to be cultivated within us so that we may stay
in God's timing.
It is a condition of mind and heart which
demonstrates gentleness, not in weakness, but in power.
It is a balance
born in strength of character.
Godly meekness is impossible unless we first learn of our sonship and the right standing we have through Christ which is neither earned nor deserved.
While pride destroys self and others, and prompts us to break out of the starting gate prematurely, humility serves, protects and builds.
With meekness solidly in place, we can dream of joining the ranks of those belonging to the
Triple Crown ( Father, Son & Holy Spirit) Champions!
See you next time with Ready to Run!!